How do I join WikiAlbums?
I did not receive the confirmation email to activate my account.
I get "Invalid Information" error message every time I try to sign in.
I forgot my password, how do I reset it?
How do I make my PrivateAlbum Public?
How do I make my PublicAlbum private?
How do I rearrange the photos in an album?
Can I download photo albums onto my computer?
Are images saved in full resolution?
How do I delete my account?
How do I get started?
Create an account.
My Collection
My Social Network
My PublicAlbums
My QuickAlbums
My Private Groups
What are Private Groups?
A Private Group is where you and your friends can share photo albums safely and privately. Members are by invitation only and only they can access, upload and view photos under this private group. You will be the administrator if you have created this group.
How do I add a private group?
How do I add a PrivateAlbum?
How do I add photos to an existing album?
How do I delete a photo from an existing album?
How do I delete an album?
How do I change the title of the album?
How do I change a photo's caption?
How do I rotate a photo?
How do I change an album's cover photo?
How do I share my album?
How do I invite members to my private group?
An error occurred when inviting people to my private group.
How do I block a member from accessing my private group?
How do I block a member from viewing my albums if I am not the group owner?
How do I rename a private group?
How do I delete a private group I created?
How do I unjoin a private group I was invited to?
What is WikiAlbums Social Network?
Search and invite then share your photo albums between friends.
How do I search for friends?
How do I invite friends who are not members of WikiAlbums?
How do I manage my Social Friends?
How do I add a SocialAlbum?
What are PublicAlbums?
PublicAlbums can be viewed by anyone simply by sharing the Public Link located at the top of your PublicAlbums.
How do I add a PublicAlbum?
How do I share the public link to my PublicAlbum?
How do I share the Public Link to my entire collection of PublicAlbums?
How do I customize the Public Link to my PublicAlbums collection?
How do I embed a photo album on my site?
What are QuickAlbums?
Add albums quickly and easily without signing in or creating account.
How do I add a QuickAlbum?
How do I share the public link to my QuickAlbum?
What are WikiCapsules?
This is where you and all your guests can add, edit and share your special moments taken at a specific event.
How do I add a WikiCapsule?
How do I invite members to my WikiCapsule?
How do edit the name, date and passcode of my WikiCapsule?
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